Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 2: Pickle Hangovers...

Tuesday February 8, 2011: Evening in at the ‘suite’ with Chelsa & Heinz
11:20 P.M.

Eating an entire jar, less one pickle, plus 2.5 liters of water and not peeing (hello 5-pound water retention weight gain) still results in a wicked salt hangover. It actually reminded me of a Flying hangover after working a Calgary-Varadero turn with over-salted crew-food, standing for 18-20 hours in full hair and make-up, in heels and not nearly enough water with a dash of angry passengers because our airline was never quite what people expected… (“You’re all first class darling!” stated, of course, with ‘Perma-Grin’)

Anyhoo… good news is my sore throat is nearly gone! (pickle salt or cold meds??) and the ideas for this pickle adventure are slowly becoming more defined. The creation of the “LIST” has started and after doing just a touch of research, I’m starting to discover the crazy pickles out there! Not just the basic cucumber variety most of us have grown up on, but the culturally influenced varieties as well... olives, capers, veggies, eggs, pigs feet??? (eek I think I’ll hold out on that one till maybe the end…), Kimchi... I found this recipe and the process for making it is interesting. Will have to give it a try at some point this year!

“After sprinkling salt, gently stir it into the cabbage. Do this with your hands, rather than with a tool. (We'll discuss more on this later.) Use your hands like you're hugging the cabbage. Move them gently around the sides, and then gather them into the center. Then push the cabbage to the sides (gently) and pull your hands around the edges like you're swimming with a breaststroke.
The hugging motion is gentle. Generate love while you're doing it. Its hard to overstate the importance of this step. Whenever we make Kimchi, it comes out good, but nearly as good as Grandmaster's. We're pretty sure that the missing ingredient is love”                                                      


So in the middle of our pickle marathon last night, and down to the last pickle in the jar, we only then decided ease into this (a little late I think) trying ‘cucumber’ varieties & combinations only this month.
Tonight was the Pickle Martini!

Try 1: NO NO NO!!! FAIL! …Too much pickle juice is not cool! One-to-one ratio tastes awful!

Try 2: deLISH: 1 oz vodka to ¼ oz pickle juice. Shake with ice, strain, and garnish. Somewhat like a dirty martini but a bit tangier – has a bit of Zip! Would be better with spicy ‘drunk’ pickles – Will try again once spicy pickles are drunk!

Day two… last pickle of the jar: Down!

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