Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 61 - 65: Poignant Pickle

Life gets all together too serious sometimes and writing about something entirely frivolous like ‘Pickles’ can’t even pick me up tonight. But invariably, I find myself needing to write. I couldn’t just drive home tonight and ended up wandering the streets until I realized I was driving unconsciously towards the comfort of the water, eventually parking next to Lake Washington.

Turning off my car, I just sat there watching the small waves lap up onto shore in a desperate attempt to escape the boundaries set in rocky sand knowing that in some small way that was how I felt… trapped, with only a little movement to splash – not enough that anyone ever really notices but enough that I can feel myself pushing against the boundaries set stonily around me and I want to crash on this shore that surrounds me and be loud and dangerous and violent… but I can’t. There’s no wind… I’ve somehow lost my wind.

It has been a day of clarity, and in many respects I wish it wasn’t so. But as there is nothing in the world as constant as change, and knowing there’s no dream to wake up from, the simple stated fact remains that nothing is quite the same as it was when I woke up this morning…

Stepping out on a limb, no matter how sturdy it looks takes either courage or stupidity or a bit of both – altogether depending on the surface of the safety net or lack thereof – and I’m feeling midway out when the branch has cracked beneath me. So, I’m caught in the middle of falling, unsure of what lies through the misty fog below completely unaware of what’s next and without the balance of holding onto anything.

You see, boxing up so much emotion for so long, you become bitter, and hard, and cynical, espeically when you don't let it outwardly show. It takes even longer to start ‘bleeding red’ after ‘bleeding black’ for so long and I’m more scared to death of turning off again incase I never get this softness back. And unfortunately, the flip side of that is when something does happen that hurts, it is easiest to fall back on what we’ve been programmed to do. But unfortunately, turning off is not an option. Not for me anyway.

I’ve finally realized, wholly, that being the afterthought in someone else’s life to which you should be the priority is never how it should be, without exception. People are always so generous with their advice and opinions, but their luxury is that they do not have to live them. Support should never come in the choice form of the supporter but the supported, otherwise it just doesn’t work. It becomes conditional, objectified, idealized… words that I hate. It’s selfish and arbitrary… hypocritical even. Acceptance is what? Really – what is it? Because depending the defining characteristics of how it is individually flayed changes the intent and meaning of this simple word.

I don’t regret any of the decisions I’ve made – they make me exactly who I am today, right here in this moment, in this red chair in a basement apartment at 1:52 A.M., and I Like me.  I wish there were lessons I could have learned another way, or even not at all… I wish that I could have changed one single day and boarded a flight which would have redefined my existence – but to wish that would be to give up everything I’ve become and am now, 14 years later. That was my sliding door but to even hazard a guess erases not only who I am now, but who I will eventually become.

My pickle today is an emotional one… but its okay because every pickle eventually pares up with something be it savory or sweet, but always a delight in the end defining new tastes on the palate, exciting and new. Sometimes, it just takes a little time for the pickle to set or to cool or warm to the appropriate temperature. Sometimes, it just needs to wait for the perfect paring because it would be otherwise wasted on the mundane and never gets the opportunity to be fully perfect.

A little time and a little space… and maybe a little bit of wind. And eventually, a little taste of heaven.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 25 – 60: A Plethora of Pickles!

March 7th through April 7th, 2011


Lists. Lists are tantamount to not going insane. Or trying, in any case. Crazy? How crazy… how crazy Is crazy in the big picture? Chel is looking at me like I’m crazy. Apparently, because I’m not paying attention to her as I’m typing, staring at her blankly and she’s accusing me of plagiarism… “You’re not listening to me! I want validation on my list… Wait! Don’t quote me on that!”, because I’m writing down what she’s saying…

I will save you from the torture of having to read the past month of pickles by Not listing each and every pickle eaten, however, will endeavor to recount the highlights… not in a list. But I ate at List… there was no pickle but it was delicious. (But secretly, I love lists… and List).

So goes my life of late… I’ve finally straightened out 4 weeks of crookedness, and proudly, am reporting the loss of only 2 days for missing pickles, and then only because I was simply not prepared; silliness, which I have thus rectified with the packages of relish I now keep in my purse. (It’s still a pickle people & I’m a girl on the GO!) I don’t truly count these days though, because technically, I’ve had up to 3 different pickles on some days so I think it balances out… like a pickle-bank! Oooo!

Having finally scaled the writing-block wall that appeared around a hidden corner and tried to take me out, I have courageously prevailed thus far. Mostly, I think because of fielding and dodging the inevitable “how’s the pickle adventure going?” “Still eating pickles?” questions, and the “you haven’t posted on your blog lately” statements, which, have somewhat guilted me into a forced write until a brilliant piece of writing by John Gardner, (an excerpt from his book ‘on becoming a novelist’, used cleverly in analogical form for the Brewmaster in an advert) caught my eye while waiting for the boys (resulting restroom trip following plethora of sample-size bevy’s which left me twiddling my thumbs wondering how I had a larger bladder than them…) after touring the Red Hook brewery (great beer btw… no pickles though).  Anyway, brilliantly writ, it sparked a hint of a flame which has been fanning into a roaring inferno. The editing is now killing me…

There have been many different pickles over the month and a few unexpected surprises. First and foremost, I should report that I have a complete irrational fear of pickled ginger.  I’m not sure why or how this developed, or even when (maybe when I started eating sushi??) but late night bevies at the Knee-High Stocking Company after a run to the Chinese Market found me having an ‘Absconded French Girlfriend’ containing absinthe and facing my ghastly fear. It’s ginger. It’s Not supposed to be pink, or sweet, or edible because at that point it’s simply NOT ginger! But, as it was late and without a proper pickle, I found myself, along with Jess and the bartender chowing down on it while Boris and Sadie-Mae watched on in horror. I’m still not entirely sure how I feel about pickled ginger but I can’t remember if I hated it, so therefore, am concluding that I may have enjoyed it – I do remember being surprised. Anyway, texting, pickled ginger and absinthe, no matter HOW okay you think it is, should never mix. Ever.

The awfulness of the “Napoleon” pickle (as earlier reported on) again found itself in the bar fridge. However, this time in the form of pickled baby corn. I was running out of options for pickles and well, corn… it was there, on the shelf, at the grocery store hiding out with the olives and hot peppers, taunting me. So, I figure, “I will suffer through, I survived pickled ginger!” Well the expected napoleon assault to my poor taste buds never actually came… it was a delightful burst of summer freshness. Spain, you got a ‘WINNING’ on this one!

Okay, moving on! SHOTS! Somehow, nachos turned into Patron shots, which, in turn turned into “I’ve got pickled habaneros!!”

Formula: Lick, salt, lick, habanero– chew… chew more… (Feel the heat!) Patron, lime… and DANCE!

Please, please try this, but note you will probably, as we did, need to chase it with a spoon of ice-cream to cool the insanity flaring in your mouth. This is tornado meets hurricane and agrees simply to HOT sunshine and happily ever after. And AGAIN!!! 

Unicorn pub has really good mini deep-fried battered dill pickles with a sauce flecked with dill. DeLISH! (A BIG thank-you to Reefy & Zeke for humoring me and trying them!!)

Pickled spicy green beans covered in reduced grainy mustard and chardonnay cream sauce was divine…

Coastal Kitchen has the most amazingly perfect omelet featuring finely sliced pickled asparagus, layered with fresh spinach, mushrooms and cheese… it was a dance of nymphs set to the flute of mimosa. *bliss! Please do this one if you have the opportunity – great food, amazing wait staff and incredible ambiance!

Good, old-fashion Reuben sandwich… Heaven on bread *sigh… if only it wasn’t so entirely fattening… (Thank-you Wilde Rover of Kirkland!)

Homemade pasta with a pickled artichoke heart and red pepper rose sauce… (I gained a few pounds reliving this one…)

Seared scallops over green beans, layered with a fresh pickled pineapple salsa… Speechless… Love it when my roommate cooks!!!

Antipasto, olives, relish, pickled jalapenos… good ole’ McD’s cheeseburger with extra pickles…it’s been quite the month which leads me to today… Day 60.

Incredible, 60 days of pickles… and lists. Lists of pickles, and the memories that go along with as I flip through my daybook taking a moment to commemorate 60 days of the Pickle and the feat of making it this far without hating them. Yes, 60 day increments are good. And without the invariable list to track all this pickle goodness, it would be lost except for the fleeting moments which pass altogether, too quickly to truly appreciate.

Let’s see what’s next, shall we?!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 24: "Trying Not to scare people away" Appetizer!

March 2, 2011

There is nothing quite so good as amazing food and great friends… and of course Pickles.

Today’s quest was a ‘Wow-Factor’ appetizer which wouldn’t scare people off. Enter Stuffed Cherry Tomatoes! However, as I seem to be scaring a few people off lately… I played it safe and did one pickle piece for me and a tray without the pickles which turned out absolutely brilliant. The pickle piece was incredible though… simply divine!

Stuffed Cherry Tomatoes
 4 oz plain chevre
6 oz cream cheese
3 cloves crushed garlic
2 tbsp olive oil
¼ - ½ cup heavy cream (add until smooth and creamy)
3 tbsp fresh lemon juice
Salt to taste
¼ cup chopped fresh basil
¼ cup chopped pickles… Optional

2 lbs cherry tomatoes, caps off and seeded

Mix all ingredients together until whipped and creamy. Adjust to taste. Fill gutless tomatoes and pop on the tops. Drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.


...and now I neeed a kitchen for my next project: Sauerkraut Chocolate Cake.

Day 14 - 23: Packing, Pizza & Perspective - 1000 Miles of Pickles.

February 20 – March 1: Seattle to Calgary and back!

Suffice it to say that the last 2 weeks have been utter madness, capped off by a week of productive insanity. To have accomplished and survived it has been a rollercoaster of emotion, not done on my own strength and reflecting on the gamut of emotion run… I’m still amazed with the people I’m privileged to have in my life supporting, encouraging, loving and making me laugh through it all.

Last Sunday Chel and I drove to Sequim to visit her family and have an Ocean Fix… the first one since being out here which was so nice, but between almost missing the ferry home and having to pack once I was, it was a full day to say the least – almost forgot the pickle so felt like cheating by eating one out of the jar… little did I know this would be the formula over the next week.

Monday, lil’ Bean was all ready to go and drove the 12 hours back to Calgary and through the ensuing week packed and sold all but 10 or so boxes of my material possessions, the remaining sole contents of my life.

It was 7 days crammed with visiting friends, house ‘dance’ party, Ducky’s karaoke night, dinner party, cleaning, ‘baby-time’ with my little niece, a wonderful spiritual boost, got silly after wine, pickles, pizza & mustachio mask, packed my little car and drove back the following Monday with my roommate, who flew out to help me, in the most incredibly insane 17+ hour trip through the worst snow storm I’ve driven in, ever! Adrenaline rushes are cool for a few minutes, however, doses exceeding 11 hours is not recommended!!! Mountain passes, chains, white out, no road… all on less than 5 hours of sleep each night.

I think the most amazing part of this entire week is that I only missed 1 day of pickles and only because we arrived too late back in Seattle... missed it by minutes even though it would have been a ‘jar-pickle-cheat!!

Bick’s are one of the more popular brands out there and generally good… but “Bick’s Mini-Crunch’ems Definitely Dill Pickles” do NOT taste good with Peanut Butter – (thank you adventurous friends I do hope I haven’t scarred you for life… your faces were priceless however!!) I’m going to be so bold as to say that these really don’t go well with anything or even by themselves.  (Sorry Bick’s… this is a pickle fail)

Late-night pickles with pizza, hot wings and sauce dipped in ranch dressing – pretty good. Spicy, tangy, creamy… WIN, (not so much the pizza as much as the wings), especially washed down with wine!

As much fun and as challenging as this has all been, I managed to lose sight of the simplicity of the pickle, and how when balanced correctly the perfection that is created by it. Something Chel said earlier to me finally clicked as I was eating a midnight hamburger after an evening at Ducky’s with friends. “Rather than having a ‘pickle meal’ use it as an accent…” Well finally this made sense and all because of this simple little hamburger.

I managed to forgot how good just a little tasted… how just enough of a hint of something adds to the whole in unimaginable ways bringing all these other flavors together turning the tongue into a pinball machine of taste… how it morphs each bite into something different and new, in stunning perfection.

But it’s taken until today for the greater part of that lesson to sink in… perhaps because I’ve finally had time to think and sleep. But overly focusing on any one thing blinds out everything around it even if it is amazing in and of itself. You miss the best parts when overdosed, be it people, places, or things and it loses the specialness of what it is. It’s not so much the piece itself but how that piece fits into the whole that makes it special, allowing it to shine…

One last day of cucumber pickles left and then onto vegetables!

Day 13: Blushing Pickles... Oy...

February 19 – After movie drinks with friends

There is nothing more embarrassing than trying to hide the fact that you’re eating a pickle with an oreo cookie in the middle of a group of people, and specifically one you’re not sure, but sorta think you might have a crush on, and then consequently trying to explain what exactly you’re doing without sounding crazy cause' honey you already Lookin' crazy…


Day 12: Pickle Poetry.

February 18 - Best FB chat re: pickles so far…

D: to brine or not to brine

M: :)

D: that is the pickle

M: bahaha!!! That’s funny

D: this is what happens when it’s late; neurons misfire en mass

M: haha… yup

D: and shakespere gets connected to canning

M: I’m going to use that!!! Need to write tomorrow to catch up on the ‘pickle madness; had peanutbutter chocolate pickle truffle today

…I think my peanut butter went bad… truffle not so good!!!

Day 11: Again with the Panic!!!

February 17: Home, midnight...

Chelsa has the funniest tea kettle I’ve come across. It boils and boils and boils like all get-out and then ‘PING’, stops on a dime, the boiling and all which I find hilarious. Chelsa is hogging the M&Ms and I’m drinking pickle-free peppermint tea.

I had all these great ideas for writing tonight but have somehow just completely lost the all and it’s driving me NUTS!

Pickles. Pickles, pickles, pickles.

Why I decided to start this project now is beyond me. I have no job, my final exam, practicum, giving up my safety net to live in Seattle for indeterminate time frame in a 1 bedroom basement apartment that has a toaster oven, hot plate, bar fridge, microwave and no bath tub.

I just got caught ‘cheating’ thinking that I only had a minute to go and scarfing down chili dill pickles (eww one was squishy…) when Chel pointed out that my clock was wrong & actually had another hour! Silly me. Anyway, it was delicious – spicy bite of heavenly garlicky dilliness!! Oh silliness! :)

Day 9 & 10: Pickle Post.

February 15, 16

Mmm… settling in for the evening and drinking chamomile tea (no, please don’t panic… there is NO pickle juice in the tea…) and reflecting on the roller coaster that was today – good, bad, awkward, stressed… strange to be frank. But… after copious amounts of chocolate and listening to James Morrison I am pushing through the craziness to find a balance.

I’m going back to Calgary in a week and don’t want to but the simple fact is that I can’t just walk away from my life, however, I can pack it all up and go on an adventure which is what I’ve decided to do... wow.

Pickle Post: Yesterday was loaded chili which was delicious, topped with a bit of pickle Рstrangely good but better with pickled jalape̱os (will try in March!!) and today, made curry chicken with mango chutney. Curry sauce and pickle Рnot so good.

Day 6 - 8: Steak, Perfection, & Panic!

February 12 – 14th, 2011: All over the place…

It’s 3:47. In the A.M… and I’m awake.

Really, really awake mentally but physically I’ve managed to put a blanket around myself and slip off the chair that I’m sitting on so in other respects, not so much. I really think I should truly have my own camera crew at some points…  *sigh!

Sad thing is that I only just got to bed an hour and a half ago so I’m a bit confused as to why I'm now awake. Possibly, starting to read a medical dictionary and consuming gross pickles and M&M’s shortly before going to be is not the best POA, however, I’m up now and endeavoring to make the most of it hoping to get tired enough to actually sleep consecutively for at least 4 hours rather than heading out to the gym.

Three more days of pickles, and my! What an adventure it’s been!

Day 6: The Gherkin Steak!
The gherkin pickle marinade turned out better than I could have expected after cozying up to some rib eye steaks and grilled alongside vegetables. Just sweet enough to emphasize the richness of the meat but not strong enough to overpower it, the gherkins, along with cinnamon, chili flakes and garlic almost had a sweet-sour-spicy effect that was neither too pickley or pungent. It was, surprisingly good. This, I will make again! (Recipe below for you curious people out there!)

Day 7: Perfection!
The next evening, Chelsa and I found ourselves a ways from home making dinner for friends. We chose a new recipe (although delicious, we’ve since decided to tweak and make better) for a twist on the traditional pesto on shrimp served on gluten free rice pasta.

Our ‘company’ (yay for friends with full kitchens that don’t mind us taking them over evenings at a time) kept us ‘company’ sipping on wine and scotch while we puttered and snooped through their kitchen making this very green dinner (No pickles were used in the creation of this dinner!!!) I must say that I thought about cheating when I saw how green everything turned out if only to mess with everyone reading this! It was quite comical as our ‘host’ doesn’t like to eat green things. I hadn’t had my pickle-fix for the day so we grabbed a jar to take with us and figure out something to do with them.

We legitimately did have the idea of trying a pickle pesto but that was a bit more than we could both handle, so instead, munched away on them as we cooked which brought up the Year of Pickle which they, in turn, got excited about and low and behold, tried it along with us! Pretty big for a guy who doesn’t like pickles to try them with peanut butter too!!! And fresh Parmesan, and a pickle martini… he drew the line with Chocolate but we courageously forged ahead to attack our taste buds with a new assault!

His wife made the most delectable truffles for a wedding and took out a few for dessert and I couldn’t resist… again, I never would have thought to put these things together, but the chocolate truffles with mini dills were heaven. Absolute. Heaven. I can’t even explain this apart from the fact that it was incredible. (Hello new recipe for next week: Chocolate, peanut butter, pickle truffles.)

Day 8: Panic!!!
Today turned out to be a bit of a pickle panic though… Yesterday was a rollercoaster of news from home and the consequent effects it would have on me here  is actually exciting. The last major strings I have to Calgary have been temporarily severed at the end of March until July and not having a place of my own to go back to has pushed me to make some big decisions, make schedules and coordinate a whole lot from here, today. End result I’m quite happy with, but schedule now is nutbar.

With all this going on, it was 11:56 P.M. before I realized I hadn’t yet had a pickle!!! I picked up 3 new jars today to try this week, but hadn’t eaten any and what the heck do you do with a pickle with 4 minutes left on the clock other than pluck the sucker out of the jar and pop it in your mouth and swallow!!?!

(Note to self: ALWAYS have a chaser ready…) 

Pickle Fail!!! Bad, bad pickle!!! I found a brand of pickles I do not like. At all! Chel tried too and ooooOOO the faces we made!!! Napoleon Cornichons: Piquant & Crunchy, (and uber tiny and cute – how could they be SO bad???), made in Spain… They ruined the baby cucumbers :(

Perhaps it was because we weren’t expecting the flavors we got but we didn’t expect it at all to have such a pungent, vinegary taste. I like capers but these were like capers on steroids and so overpowering that after 2 big handfuls of peanut M&Ms we could still taste the pickle.

There’s now a jar of pickles in the fridge taking up precious space that I don’t know what to do with. There’s a website on the label for ‘Great Recipe Ideas’, so possibly I’ll check that out and see if other ingredients can improve upon this ruination of cucumbers and the consequent Napoleon attack on my mouth.

It’s now 4:23 and my body is actually catching up to my ‘awake’ mind as I’m no longer having coordination issues (although… I haven’t stood up in a while. Hmmm…) Perhaps I’ll continue with my medical dictionary. (Only 1572 pages to go!)

Well… one week down and 51 to go. Exciting things planned for the coming weeks, and frightened for the coming months… Life’s an adventure though right? Seize it and LIVE it or watch it pass you by. I think Mark Twain said it best in this overused but appropriate (and favorite) quote…

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Gherkin Marinade
13 gherkin pickles (because I ate the rest & this was what was left in the jar…)
1/2 cup gherkin juice
1/3 cup olive oil
1/4 cup soya sauce
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp pepper
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp hot chili flakes
3 cloves of garlic, minced

Mix all ingredients together in a blender and marinate steak in refrigerator 2 hours or overnight before cooking.

Day 5: I Say YES to Deep-fried Pickles & Beer!

February 11, 2011: Feireabends, Seattle with Jessyca, Chelsa, Amber, Amanda & of course Boris!

10:30 P.M. after Paint-Dancing.

The pickle-mint tea did nothing for my cold and I’m wandering around our tiny suite listening to Young The Giant and taking random pictures. It’s neat because you see a different angle for things that you see everyday and walk past without notice – little things but all with a story behind them. The black & white photos, a rug bought when, a paint color on toes… the floating ginger in hot water to soothe a sore throat – all little things with a million reasons, textures, sounds, smells, thoughts behind them. Things rarely for a second ponder, but once thought about – even just to scratch the surface, life begins to get so much bigger around you. 

Managed a short trip to the gym (ooo the wonders of sharing 1 hot water tank between 5 people…) more for a shower than to work out, but did actually have a half-decent run considering I’m currently having breathing problems and consequently discovered that I believe my blood pressure is actually getting higher!?!? Ummm too much salt?? (Will Google documented articles re: Are pickles healthy & see).

Pickles today: Made a gherkin marinade for steak which will be made tomorrow. Recipe and write-up to follow!

Tried to find sushi with pickles at Blue C sushi – nope, no pickles evident in any sushi served.

Feireabends, (great German beerhaus; need to go back for bratties): Deep-friend pickles with curried catsup and mustard.

Breading: So-so. The grease needed to be a little hotter before dunking and the breading was a combination of flour, cornmeal and was too thin.

The Pickle – Great dilliness, however the pickles need to be patted dry before breading so as to not allow the breading to ‘wash off’ the pickle.  Taste-wise, went perfectly with a traditional German Beer.

Presentation & Sauce: Pickles were served atop the sauces, mixed together not looking wonderful. (Boris didn't seem to mind and dove right in...) The sauce could use definite improvement for sure. Homemade beer mustard with fresh tarragon, garlic, and honey with just a dash of sour cream would have made deep fried pickle amazingness! In fact, we have a deep-fried pickle date next Monday & will try!!!

Hooray for deep fried pickles!

Day 3 & 4: The Pred-ickle-mint!

February 9th & 10th, 2011: Sick and at home.  

I realized today as I was at Safeway sorting through lemons, and wondering if I’d have the energy to make scratch chicken soup or be able to store said soup given the current fridge ‘space’ dilemma, that pickles for a year was actually going to more difficult than I initially thought. Most grocery stores have a pretty wide selection if all you’re looking for is generic pickles for sandwiches or apppy’s. But what I realized as I walked down the aisle and stopped directly in front of the 6-foot wide, 5-shelf selection that there were basically 3 types: Dill, Sweet, or Spicy. This, of course, also held the olives, peppers, capers and typical vegetable varieties but outside of this meager collection there wasn’t a whole lot to draw from, and quite frankly, eating a pickle out of a jar for a year just feels like cheating!

I think I actually may have shot myself in the foot thinking I could breeze my way through this but this is NOT going to be easy!

I’m also quite fascinated with the response from friends and family over the past few days… WHY PICKLES??? They said. WHY NOT!!! I said… Anyway, does it really matter? No, not really. Yes, there are so many bigger issues out there, and perhaps I have too much time on my hands – there are a hundred other things I could / should be doing and not so why am I studying pickles and eating them and reading / writing recipes for pickles? Not entirely sure except it’s given me something to write about – a subject, a project, a goal?

So with all of this going through my head at the grocery store, I grabbed a bag of lemons, the (small) jar of gherkins, settled for deli chicken soup, and cough drops and chocolate, (should have left the chocolate… ate the chocolate, thought about eating second bag of M&Ms… didn’t!) got into my car, started it, tried to drive over the cement meridian in front of me, of course in front of the nice big RED Fire Truck and Fire men parked beside me. Awkward. Drove home and heated up my chicken soup and made a toasty cheesy pickle sandwich, which, after yesterday’s nachos, cheese & Clausen’s baby dills felt like cheating.

What a predicament at only day 4 which led to the Pickle-mint!

It’s 11 P.M. and I’m eating ‘crack-pickles’ (Clausen’s – my absolute FAVORITE pickles…) because I’m not yet sick of pickles along with Swiss cheese (a perfect flavour marriage) and drinking tea when Chelsa gets a brilliant idea… Peppermint Tea and pickle juice TOGETHER!!! What to do??

Try it, of course! First sip – the taste buds are thinking… ‘What is this?? Do I like this? Not sure not sure… maybe maybe maybe… NO!! – BAIL! BAIL! BAIL!’

While not entirely bad, it certainly was not at all good and outside that, I'm not entirely sure how to descirbe it except please don't try this at home...Possibly if enough honey was added it may balance the salt and be okay. I’ve put on my list to make some minted pickles – maybe a sweet variety with fresh peas, pearl onions and roasted red peppers to serve with lamb chops. I think that could actually be a win!

I think that in the end it doesn’t really matter that I'm writing about pickles or what anyone thinks or says because I’ll write about what I want to regardless of what people think about it.

It’s my Pickle adventure and I’ve invited you all to come along for the ride and maybe try out a recipe or two, throw out some crazy paring suggestions and even if it’s only ever me then I’m okay with that too.

Okay… tomorrow will endeavor to be more creative… I’m going to bed.

Day 2: Pickle Hangovers...

Tuesday February 8, 2011: Evening in at the ‘suite’ with Chelsa & Heinz
11:20 P.M.

Eating an entire jar, less one pickle, plus 2.5 liters of water and not peeing (hello 5-pound water retention weight gain) still results in a wicked salt hangover. It actually reminded me of a Flying hangover after working a Calgary-Varadero turn with over-salted crew-food, standing for 18-20 hours in full hair and make-up, in heels and not nearly enough water with a dash of angry passengers because our airline was never quite what people expected… (“You’re all first class darling!” stated, of course, with ‘Perma-Grin’)

Anyhoo… good news is my sore throat is nearly gone! (pickle salt or cold meds??) and the ideas for this pickle adventure are slowly becoming more defined. The creation of the “LIST” has started and after doing just a touch of research, I’m starting to discover the crazy pickles out there! Not just the basic cucumber variety most of us have grown up on, but the culturally influenced varieties as well... olives, capers, veggies, eggs, pigs feet??? (eek I think I’ll hold out on that one till maybe the end…), Kimchi... I found this recipe and the process for making it is interesting. Will have to give it a try at some point this year!

“After sprinkling salt, gently stir it into the cabbage. Do this with your hands, rather than with a tool. (We'll discuss more on this later.) Use your hands like you're hugging the cabbage. Move them gently around the sides, and then gather them into the center. Then push the cabbage to the sides (gently) and pull your hands around the edges like you're swimming with a breaststroke.
The hugging motion is gentle. Generate love while you're doing it. Its hard to overstate the importance of this step. Whenever we make Kimchi, it comes out good, but nearly as good as Grandmaster's. We're pretty sure that the missing ingredient is love”                                                      


So in the middle of our pickle marathon last night, and down to the last pickle in the jar, we only then decided ease into this (a little late I think) trying ‘cucumber’ varieties & combinations only this month.
Tonight was the Pickle Martini!

Try 1: NO NO NO!!! FAIL! …Too much pickle juice is not cool! One-to-one ratio tastes awful!

Try 2: deLISH: 1 oz vodka to ¼ oz pickle juice. Shake with ice, strain, and garnish. Somewhat like a dirty martini but a bit tangier – has a bit of Zip! Would be better with spicy ‘drunk’ pickles – Will try again once spicy pickles are drunk!

Day two… last pickle of the jar: Down!

Day 1: Refrigerate After Opening.

Monday February 7, 2011: Redmond WA with Chelsa in our tiny dorm-style suite. 10:07 P.M.

Feeling sick, coming down with a cold (?!?) and after a grueling last day of medical reports I’ve consequently lost all motivation and energy to be at the gym, even to sit in the hot tub, which is serious business.
So instead, we’re chillin’ out at home posting on ‘crackbook’ after raiding the pickle jar. We share a bar fridge so space… well that’s at a premium, so when a jar cracked it gets finished. (‘And How!’)

Chelsa has introduced me to Peanut Butter and Pickles. Yup that’s right, you read this correctly: Peanut Butter and Pickles, specifically Farman’s Genuine Kosher Style Dill Pickles with a schpunk of Kroger Crunchy Peanut Butter sitting on top while listening to Frank, Etta and Tony- and debating the merits of writing a cookbook: 365 days of pickles!

I do believe (after sharing an entire 1.36 liter jar of Large salty pickles and half a jar of peanut butter) there is some merit to this venture outside the continuous and obvious pickle coma that will result, and apart from the possible inevitability of disgust for one of my favorite foods, I will risk the daily hangover of too much salt and resulting future cardiac complications, to creatively eat some form of pickle every day!

(I am now on my second liter of water…)

There is a definite method to eating a pickle with peanut butter on it… primarily, you need to cut or bite off the pickle butt (this is the funny little vine end on the top of the pickle and while some enjoy the pickle-butts I personally think they’re overrated…  you know who you are!!!) Farman's are deLISH - a true salty dill pickle, however, (and this could possibly be because they were fresh out of the cupboard with no time to chill...) had some tough skins. Old pickles?? Not sure but will endeavor to try, ty again but this time icy cold. The crunchy peanut butter added that bit of sweetness with a real peanutty zing which was suprisingly incredible matched against the salty crunch of the pickle. I actually got goosebumps. Serious stuff. 

In any case, you need to have a crevice to schpunk the peanut butter. After the first bite/slice it’s a bit easier to have this little landing pad for gooey goodness to sit atop of! Also, mind you don’t poke the body of the pickle because it will spontaneously attack you (self defense??) by squirting you, especially if wearing white and lets face it... Pickle pee is never fashionable.  

Day one… pickle complete.